At the moment lots of people are trying to understand the Black Lives Matter and police protests in the U.S. and all over the world. You might be one of them. Wherever you live you might be tempted to think that “it’s not like that here”.
Racism is a global problem. And we in Canada are NOT immune.
So even though these resources are mostly addressing issues in the U.S. they apply universally. Hopefully this list of resources can help make sense of what’s happening and start to enhance your education.
The Congress of Black Women wishes to acknowledge Dr Ganz Ferrance for allowing us to reprint these resources on our website.
What we’ve done is organized these resources to make it easier for you.
Level 1 is where I suggest you start. A basic overview about some of the issues, facts, and concepts. Things that are short, easy to access, and less intense.
Level 2 is a bit more challenging, takes a bit more time, but goes deeper.
Level 3 these resources are a bit more intense and take more time. A deeper understanding of both the issues and the ongoing emotional costs of systemic racism.
Additional Resources: we’ve included these to give you tools to further deepen your knowledge & education on things.
Thanks for being an ally and remember that this journey is going to take some courage. You may not always know what to say and do; and your best intentions may be met with pain, anger, and hostility.
Please know any negativity coming towards you may not be personal or mean that you’ve really screwed up. Historically, those of us who are BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People Of Color) have had to suck it up for a long time and the present climate has a lot of us very triggered.
Also, the dynamic that happens with most couples can happen here too: Issues haven’t been addressed. You make it safe to talk. EVERYTHING tends to come out with all the pent up pressure and emotion that couldn’t come out in the past. Most of us have experienced this in our relationships.
This is where your toughness & courage as an ally really needs to show up. Just like with your partner, if you’re willing to hang in there, be curious, and listen with an open heart & mind the intensity tends to decrease as the other person feels heard, understood, and validated.
Remember to look for ways to put your new knowledge into practice. Also, let’s keep the conversation going. Once again thanks for being in the trenches with us.
The history of race (PBS special):
Why Europeans enslaved Africans:
Uncomfortable Conversations with A Black Man
“The Doll Test”
Netflix series “Explained”:
Season 1 The Racial Wealth Gap
Season 2 Pirates
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: (Police) (The Confederacy) (Sheriffs)
Talking About Race | National Museum of African American History and Culture:
Ted Talk: What it Takes to be Racially Literate
Ted Talk: What Prosecutors & Incarcerated People Can Learn from Each Other:
How to Talk to Kids about Race:
Explaining ”Jim Crow”:
White Privilege: What Is White Privilege, Really? | Teaching Tolerance:
White Rage:
White Fragility:
They Were Her Property: White Women as Slave Owners in the America South
CNN talking about the public education system failing us for race education today:
African “Discovery” of America
How Dave Chappelle Schooled White Woman On 'Police Brutality' - CH News:
Brown Eyes Blue Eyes Racism Experiment Children Session by Jane Elliott: (Oprah 1992 episode)
How Can We Win:
Full Episode: Where Do We Go From Here? (Part 1) | OWN Spotlight | Oprah:
Full Episode: Where Do We Go From Here? (Part 2) | OWN Spotlight | Oprah:
Here are some additional resources:
YouTube setup a 'stand against racial injustice' channel (advertising it on the homepage):
Oprah Resources:
Anti-Racism & Unlearning Resources:
Anti-Racism Resource List:
158 Resources to Understand Racism in America:
75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice:
Eyes on the Prize | American Experience | Official Site | PBS:
Watch Eyes on the Prize YouTube:
Entire Playlist ( (episode 1) (episode 2) (episode 3) (episode 4) (episode 5) (episode 6) (episode 7) (episode 8) (episode 9) (episode 10) (episode 11) (episode 12) (episode 13) (episode 14) (episode 15) (Rosa Parks Interview)
White Supremacy is NOT (just) the KKK (by Dr. Ganz Ferrance)
“White Supremacy”
It’s an insidious doctrine that started during colonialism and slavery to justify and legitimize European powers’ global quest for wealth. This doctrine was spread around the globe and is the foundation for systemic racism. The problem is that it is now mostly unconscious and “baked into” religion, education, healthcare, government, culture , etc. - so, at this point in history, it’s just an unconscious, foundational, organizing principle that most people act out but are never aware of (a presupposition).
The doctrine of White Supremacy sets up people with white skin (usually male) as the highest (or at least the default) standard of humanity. The philosophy teaches that as you go down the “color ladder” and the skin darkens, so does value, intelligence, culture, history, contribution, and even membership in the human race. People with black skin are on the lowest rung of the ladder. This was actually taught from elementary to graduate school as a “scientific truth” under the term “Race” or “The Races of the World” until relatively recently.
The belief still persists in practice and in our institutions. Hence the systemic nature of racism. Extreme expressions of this doctrine are seen in the police brutality now being exposed and the terrorist organizations of the KKK, Skinheads, etc. Nobody is immune. We are all unconsciously caught in the system - as both victims and agents (“unconscious bias”). We only break free by becoming knowledgeable and choosing to address it when we see it. “White Supremacists)”, like the KKK and other organizations, consciously promote and support the ideals of white supremacy.
Racism is the marginalization of people based on their “race” from a position of power (i.e. from white to people of color - however racial discrimination can happen in any direction). You don’t have to attend or support a cross-burning to be racist. And, not every person with white skin who discriminates against a person of color is consciously racist. The truth is that we’re ALL caught in the system and so, to varying degrees, unconsciously act out our conditioning to value of others according to the color ladder (white supremacy doctrine). So, when the terms “racist” or “racism” are used it is not necessarily a direct personal attack; but you should still be open-minded about your behavior. The idea is to know that you don’t always know - so listen to people who have the experience of being marginalized and be sensitive to their experiences. Remember it’s hard to notice a system that doesn’t impact you directly or personally on a day-to-day basis.
“White Privilege”
This term brings up a lot of emotion for both Black and White people. It does NOT mean that if you’re White your life is automatically easy or that you didn’t have to work for what you got. It actually refers to one of the results of the “white supremacy” doctrine. I heard it described this way by a white sociologist: Pretend life is like swimming in a river. The further you travel the better you do. Obviously how far you get depends on if you’re a better swimmer or if you swim harder or for longer. The catch is that if you’re white you swim WITH the current and if you’re black you swim AGAINST it. That’s how white privilege works. The system is slanted in your favor and against everyone else (worse based on the darkness of their skin - the “color ladder”).
Obviously, a good swimmer who’s going against the current can sometimes get further than a poor swimmer who is going with the current. But this situation is pretty rare. And even when it does happen, there are things that the person moving with the current (white privilege) will never have to think about. An example that’s being played out right now is how a person with black skin has to think about and strategize for their safety (and that of their kids) every day just in case they have to interact with the police. Or if they’re actually getting fair/equal treatment by financial, medical, educational, and other systems like employment and housing.
This article is being reproduced here.